Top 10 least-played League of Legends champions in ranked

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League of Legends offers players over 160 different characters to play around with, however, some champions don’t see nearly as much play as others. Here are the top 10 least-played League of Legends champions in Ranked Solo Duo.

Like in all online games, some champions in League of Legends don’t see as much playtime as the popular ones. For every Yasuo, Kai’sa, and Lux, you’ve got your Yoricks, Iverns, and Skarners. Here are the 10 least popular champions in League of Legends according to

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10. Kled

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Despite having one of the highest winrates Kled sees himself as one of the least picked champs

The Cantankerous Cavalier is unique as he consistenly sees himself in the top ten winrate-wise, although he ends up on this list because the few who plays him seems to be really good at playing him. His kit is quite basic and perhaps not the flashiest. Which is why Kled has found itself as a rare champ which is usually picked by one-tricks, not too dissimilar to old Aurelion Sol.

9. Kog’Maw

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Despite outputting high damage, Kog’Maw lacks CC

Despite being a lovable void creature League players have come to love, Kog’Maw unfortunately resides in the same boat champs like Taric find themselves in. Despite having high damage, a incredibly simplistic ability set leaves him at the bottom of most champions pick list.

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8. Galio

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The current meta unfortunately has left Galio behind

Galio the Colossussince his rework has seen consistent use in the game as a fantastic support, and at times a mid-laner. However, the current meta does not suit him. As a support, his long cooldown on his ult is a dealbreaker despite having great CC among other problems, and it’s incredibly easy to counter-pick Galio in mid.

7. Taric

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Taric’s role is filled by other supports who can achieve his job in a less clunky fashion.

The fabulous Taric also ends up on the list of least popular champions. Taric’s focus on binding to an ally and supporting them seems good in theory, but in practice can be awkward and jarring. On top of this, other more popular supports are just as capable as the crystal support, meaning players tend to stick with the more familiar and reliable supports than playing Taric.

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6. Bard

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Bard’s unorthodox playstyle and kit make him a less favorable support.

The majestical entity known as Bard takes the 6th slot on our list. A champion that never quite found his footing, Bard’s unorthodox kit doesn’t make him a go-to for most support players, who could more reliably support their team on champions like Lulu or Yuumi. However, Bard mains who understand his play-making potential can really push the champion to its limits, setting up plays that only Bard is capable of.

5. Kassadin

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The meta currently doesn’t favor Kassadin’s late-game scaling playstyle.

Riftwalker Kassadin has been one of the most feared champions in League of Legends. The hyperscaling assassin from the Void is able to absolutely decimate games when he reaches his power spikes. However, with the current state of League being so early to mid-game focused, Kassadin fails to reach these spikes early enough, making him rather unpopular.

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4. Kalista

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Kalista’s Oathsworn mechanic may make her a great lane bully, but also makes her unpopular.

One of Kalista’s biggest mechanics is her Oathsworn, which she tethers to an ally and bonds to them. This gives the pair various buffs when near each other, and is the only way she can use her ultimate. Kalista also has an interesting auto-attack mechanic, which allows her to jump after each attack. Unfortunately, due to the nature of solo queue, it’s not possible to rely on having a good support each game, making her a rather low pick rate champion.

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3. Renata Glasc

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Recent release Renata hasn’t found much success in a solo queue environment.

One of the more recently released champions, Renata Glasc has a really interesting champion fantasy. An enchanter support that could turn enemies against each other. Unfortunately, it seems that her more offensive capabilities as an enchanter have not favored her too well in the meta, making her one of the least-picked champions at the moment.

2. Corki

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Corki’s unconventional playstyle makes him less popular with the player base.

Corki has always been a bit of an enigma in League of Legends. The Yordle pilot holds the space between a mid-laner and an ADC. His passive allows him to deal magic damage, whilst playing more like a ranged carry, able to deal incredible burst with his rockets from afar. Unfortunately, Corki’s unconventional playstyle makes him far less popular than other champions, which is why he’s on this list.

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1. Skarner

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Poor Skarner will need to await his rework to become more popular.

Skarner has unfortunately found himself as one of the least desirable champions in all of League. The Crystalline Scorpion hasn’t seen play in almost every stage of the game, with many finding his kit far too ineffective to have a lasting impact on the game. The only redeeming factor of Skarner is his ultimate, which lets him suppress and drag an enemy around. With a rework currently being worked on, Skarner may find more popularity soon, but until then, he’ll remain somewhere near the bottom of the play charts.

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